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Can a Sibling be a Surrogate?

If your sister wants to serve as your surrogate, she can! It’s common for family members to want to help their siblings grow their family after witnessing their struggle with infertility.

Contact a surrogacy professional today if you are ready to start your surrogacy journey.

Continue reading to find out the frequent questions (and answers) people ask about having a sibling surrogate.  

Can a Sibling be a Surrogate?

Yes! Your sister can serve as your surrogate.

Like every other surrogate agreement, the surrogate you work with must fulfill a surrogate agency’s screenings before she can start the process.

How Does Surrogacy Work With a Sibling Surrogate?

Surrogacy with a sibling has the same steps as any other surrogacy journey. However, you’re already one step ahead because you know the surrogate!

If your sibling successfully goes through an agency’s surrogacy screenings, you can skip the matching portion of the surrogacy journey and move ahead in the process.

From here, you and your surrogate sibling will go through these steps:

Can a Sibling be a Surrogate for Free?

If your sister is comfortable waiving her right to surrogate base compensation, you can save a great deal of money on your surrogacy. The following definitions explain the two types of surrogacy journeys you can take:

No matter what type of surrogacy you choose to pursue, you will not have to pay for an agency’s matching services because you’ve already identified the surrogate you want to work with.

What Should I Consider Before Working With a Sibling Surrogate?

Being a surrogate for a sibling is different for everyone, but there are a few unique circumstances to consider.

How can a Surrogacy Agency Assist My Surrogate Sibling and Me?

Although you could choose to pursue independent surrogacy, your surrogacy journey will go much smoother with the help of a surrogacy agency.

Surrogacy agencies provide the following services to intended parents during the surrogacy process:

The following surrogacy agencies are great places to consider working with:

Start Your Surrogacy Journey Today

Embarking on your surrogacy journey with your surrogate sibling is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Once you know the match is right, contact a surrogacy professional to embark on your path to parenthood today.

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