Surrogacy compensation is a great benefit for surrogate mothers, but understanding it can be confusing, especially if this is your first journey into the surrogacy process. Fortunately, we’re here to help break down how much you can make being a surrogate mother.
In this guide, we’ve answered some of the most common questions we receive from prospective surrogates. We hope you can use this information to make the best choice for you.
To learn more about surrogate mother income, reach out to us online today!
1. What is Surrogate Mother Income?
When it comes to learning about surrogate mother income, or surrogacy compensation, and how much you get paid being surrogate, you must first understand what the surrogate mother income is.
Overall, surrogate compensation is money that a gestational carrier is directly paid for carrying the intended parents’ child. It is a number decided on by her and the intended parents before the process starts, and is typically paid out in installments as the journey progresses.
Surrogate mother income can be used however you want. Many surrogates and their families use these funds to achieve financial goals, such as a down payment on a house or a new car.
2. How Much are Surrogates Paid?
Surrogate compensation can vary depending on location, experience and many other factors. Most gestational carriers working with a surrogacy agency will make an average of $45,000 in surrogate compensation.
This is often the biggest question that prospective surrogates have. Once they know that surrogate mother income is available, they want to know exactly how much it is.
Unfortunately, there’s no single answer to this question. Your compensation rate will depend on many things, such as:
- You state of residence
- Your experience with the surrogacy process
- Your income
- And more
During your research, you will find that surrogates in certain states often get paid higher surrogate mother income rates. Specific agencies offer different compensation rates, too, although some of these are purposely misleading to attract surrogate candidates.
Therefore, it’s important to consider all of your options when choosing a surrogacy professional — and don’t just choose based on where you can get the most compensation.
3. What is Included in Surrogate Compensation?
A surrogate always has the right to receive base payment for her services. Regardless of whether you choose to be paid and how much, you will receive additional reimbursement for the expenses incurred during the surrogacy process.
You will also never be expected to pay for any aspect of the surrogacy journey, as the intended parents will pay for all of the medical and pregnancy-related expenses along the way. You are already dedicating so much of your time and energy to help these parents build their family, so you are not expected to contribute financially, too.
In addition to base compensation, surrogates may receive payment for:
- Medical visits
- Travel expenses
- Maternity clothes
- Lost wages
- Childcare
- Invasive procedures
- And more
Your surrogacy attorney will ensure all necessary expenses are covered when you draft your surrogacy contract.
4. When Do You Get Paid for Being a Surrogate?
This depends on the surrogacy agency you are working with.
In most cases, surrogate mother income is paid out in installments after a woman’s pregnancy is confirmed. While all additional expenses, such as medical and travel, are paid for from the beginning of the process, a surrogate must wait until after the fertility clinic confirms the fetus’ heartbeat to start receiving compensation payments.
From there, how much and how frequently a carrier receives her compensation installments will depend on the policy of her surrogacy professional.
5. How are Surrogates Paid?
How surrogates are paid depends on the surrogacy professionals they use.
You will be paid in installments through your pregnancy. Typically, a surrogacy professional will set up escrow services to manage these payments. Intended parents will fund the escrow account, and a third party will dole out payments as agreed upon during the nine months of pregnancy.
An escrow service may seem like an unnecessary middleman, but these professionals actually help to make the complicated and awkward topic of surrogate mother income payments easier for all involved.
Your chosen surrogacy professional can explain in more detail exactly how surrogates are compensated through its program.
6. Do Surrogates Have to Pay Taxes on their Income?
Surrogacy and taxes can be confusing enough on their own. They’re even more complicated when you combine them.
In many cases, surrogates will not have to pay taxes on their surrogate mother income. However, this may not be the case in every surrogacy journey. If you want to learn more about paying taxes as a surrogate, the best thing to do is contact the Internal Revenue Service or a local tax attorney.
Remember, you should not take the information in this article as legal or financial advice; only a professional can address your questions and concerns.
7. Can Surrogates Pursue Surrogacy Altruistically?
While there tend to be many questions about what surrogate mother income is and how it works, some women have another question: Can you choose to waive your right to compensation when you’re a surrogate?
Absolutely! Many surrogates choose an altruistic surrogacy path, especially if they are carrying for a friend or family member. These surrogates will still have all of their surrogacy expenses paid for, but they choose to save their intended parents the cost of additional compensation.
Altruistic surrogacy is a beautiful journey, but it’s something that you should think hard about before you decide it is right for you.
To get more free information on surrogate mother income, contact us online today.